Believe it or not the laws in regards to consumer reporting are overwhelmingly in your favor. 1st I would like to take you to the Fair Credit Reporting Act which is 15 USC 1681-1681 x. The Act also known as Title VI of the Consumer Credit Protection Act protects information collected by consumer reporting agencies such as credit bureaus, medical information companies and tenant screening services.
Information in a consumer report cannot be provided to anyone who does not have a purpose specified in the Act. Companies that provide information to consumer reporting agencies also have specific legal obligations, including the duty to investigate disputed information. In addition, users of the information for credit, insurance, or employment purposes must notify the consumer when an adverse action is taken on the basis of such reports. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act added many provisions to this Act primarily relating to record accuracy and identity theft.
The Dodd-Frank Act transferred to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau most of the rulemaking responsibilities added to this Act by the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act and the Credit CARD Act, but the Commission retains all its enforcement authority. The main take away from the previous paragraph is that not only are there regulations to protect you and your information every company dealing with a consumer has agreed they would follow those regulations and if they chose not to we have proper authorities to inform.
The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade Commision are great examples of said agencies. The CFPB website is this is where we will handle most of our complaints with the reporting agencies. It also is a great resource to learn about consumer protection laws in all aspects, not just credit.
- FERPA( Student Loan Deletion)
- Fair Credit Reporting Act Starts on
- Privacy Act 1974 Starts on
- Opt out Laws Start on
- CFPB Starts on
- Tips Start on
Fair Credit Reporting Act
I recommend reading the ENTIRE act as it will only help your understanding but I am going to highlight a few examples.
15 U.S. Code § 1681 – Congressional findings and statement of purpose
a)Accuracy and fairness of creditreporting
- The Congress makes the following findings:
- There is a need to ensure that consumer reporting agencies exercise their grave responsibilities with fairness, impartiality, and a respect for the consumer’s right to privacy.
(b) Reasonable procedures
- It is the purpose of this subchapter to require that consumer reporting agencies adopt reasonable procedures for meeting the needs of commerce for consumer credit, personnel, insurance, and other information in a manner that is fair and equitable to the consumer, with regard to the confidentiality, accuracy, relevancy, and proper utilization of such information in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter.
As you can see there is a need to protect your right to privacy.
Important Definitions from 15 U.S. Code § 1681a - Definitions; rules of construction.
(2) Exclusions
- (A)(i) report containing information solely as to transactions or experiences between the consumer and the person making the report;
- Reporting Transaction history is illegal
15 U.S. Code § 1681b - Permissible purposes of consumer reports
Subject to subsection (c), any consumer reporting agency may furnish a consumer report under the following circumstances and no other
1 5 U.S. Code § 1681c - Requirements relating to information contained in consumer reports
Except as authorized under subsection (b), no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information:
12 CFR § 1022.3 Definitions
- Identity theft means a fraud committedor attempted using the identifying information of another person without authority.
- Anything added to your report without your written consent could be considered Identity theft
15 U.S. Code § 1681c–2 - Block of information resulting from identity theft
Except as otherwise provided in this section, a consumer reporting agency shall block the reporting of any information in the file of a consumer that the consumer identifies as information that resulted from an alleged identity theft, not later than 4 business days after the date of receipt by such agency of
15 U.S. Code § 1681e - Compliance procedures
(a)Identity and purposes of credit users
By violating section 1681b for permissible purpose and 1681c for information contained in consumer reports they are also violating compliance procedures under this title.
15 U.S. Code § 1681n - Civil liability for willful noncompliance
a)In general
Any person who willfully fails to comply with any requirement imposed under this subchapter with respect to any consumer is liable to that consumer in an amount equal to the sum of—
15 U.S. Code § 1681o - Civil liability for negligent noncompliance
In general
Any person who is negligent in failing to comply with any requirement imposed under this subchapter with respect to any consumer is liable to that consumer in an amount equal to the sum of
(1)any actual damages sustained by the consumer as a result of the failure
Negligent noncompliance means the law was violated not on purpose but just due to a lack of knowledge on the required reporting procedures.
15 U.S. Code § 1681s–2 -Responsibilities of furnishers of information to consumer reporting agencies
(A)Reporting information with actual knowledge of errors
Once you notify the consumer agencies that there is inaccurate information they must immediately stop reporting that information until they can prove that it is valid.
Those are a few violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act that you can use in your complaint against not only the reporting agencies but the furnisher of that information to them.
Privacy Act of 1974 ( 5 U.S. Code § 552a )
Important Definitions
(4)the term “record” means any item, collection, or grouping of information about an individual that is maintained by an agency, including, but not limited to, his education, financial transactions, medical history, and criminal or employment history and that containshis name, or the identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual, such as a finger or voice print or a photograph;
This includes consumer reports
(b)Conditions of Disclosure.—No agency shall disclose any record which is contained in a system of records by any means of communication to any person, or to another agency, except pursuant to a written request by, or with the prior written consent of, the individual to whom the record pertains, unless disclosure of the record would be
(12)to a consumer reporting agency in accordance with section 3711(e) of title 31. Again they need prior written instruction of the individual to whom it relates. Section 3711(e) of title 31 States
(1)When trying to collect a claim of the Government under a law except the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C.1 et seq.), the head of an executive, judicial, or legislative agency shall disclose to a consumer reporting agency information from a system of records that a person is responsible for a claim if
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
(E)the head of the agency has established procedures to (iii)get satisfactory assurances from each consumer reporting agency that the agency is complying with all laws of the United States related to providing consumer credit information; and
Either way they have violated not only the Fair Credit Reporting Act but also the Privacy Act of 1974
Opt Out Laws
(a) Purpose. This part governs the treatment of nonpublic personal information about consumers by the financial institutions listed in paragraph (b) of this section. This part
Every company owes you a privacy notice before they furnish any information to our consumer report
12 CFR § 1016.4 Initial privacy notice to consumers required.
(a) Initial notice requirement. You must provide a clear and conspicuous notice that accurately reflects your privacy policies and practices to:
12 CFR § 1016.7 Form of opt out notice to consumers; opt out methods.
Section (a)
(1) Form of opt out notice. If you are required to provide an opt out notice under §1016.10(a), you must provide a clear and conspicuous notice to each of your consumers that accurately explains the right to opt out under that section. The notice must state:
(2) Examples
(g) Time to comply with opt out. You must comply with a consumer’s opt out direction as soon as reasonably practicable after you receive it.
(h) Continuing right to opt out. A consumer may exercise the right to opt out at any time.
(i) Duration of consumer’s opt out direction.
(1) A consumer’s direction to opt out under this section is effective until the consumer revokes it in writing or, if the consumer agrees, electronically.
15 U.S. Code § 6802 - Obligations with respect to disclosures of personal information
(a)Notice requirements
(b)Opt out
(1)In general
Once again they must give you an opt out notice for anything that is to be added to your consumer report
15 U.S. Code § 6805 - Enforcement
(a)In general
Subject to subtitle B of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 [12 U.S.C. 5511 et seq.], this subchapter and the regulations prescribed thereunder shall be enforced by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, the Federal functional regulators, the State insurance authorities, and the Federal Trade Commission with respect to financial.
Institutions and other persons subject to their jurisdiction under applicable law,
Consumer Finance Protection Bureau
Example (Please do not copy word forword make it your own we aren't Robots)
“According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act 15 USC 1681 section 602 a states “There is a need to insure that consumer reporting agencies exercise their grave responsibilities with fairness, impartiality, and a respect for the consumer’s right to privacy.” Equifax and Experian are consumer reporting agencies and I am the Consumer. I have the right to make sure my private information isn’t shared which is backed by 15 USC 6801 which states” It is the policy of the Congress that each financial institution has an affirmative and continuing obligation to respect the privacy of its customers and to protect the security and confidentiality of those customers’ nonpublic personal information.”
(Furnisher of information to credit agencies) is a financial institution by definition under that title. 15 USC 1681 section 604 a section 2 states that “In general Subject to subsection (c) , any consumer reporting agency may furnish a consumer report under the following circumstances and no other: in accordance with the written instructions of the consumer to whom it relates.” (Furnisher of information to credit agencies) the financial institution and the Consumer reporting agencies Equifax and Experian do not have my consent to furnish this information and they surely do not have my written consent. Any and all consent to Equifax, Experian, (Furnisher of information to credit agencies) whether it be verbal, non-verbal, written, implied or otherwise is revoked. 15 USC 6802 (b)(c) states that “A financial institution may not disclose nonpublic personal information to a nonaffiliated third party unless— the consumer is given an explanation of how the consumer can exercise that nondisclosure option.” (Furnisher of information to credit agencies) Never informed me of my right to exercise my nondisclosure option. Not only that15 USC 1681C (a)(5) states” Except as authorized under subsection (b), no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information Any other adverse item of information, other than records of convictions of crimes which antedates the report by more than seven years.” This account is an adverse item they are reporting again without my permission which is against the law. 15 U.S. Code § 1681s–2(A)(1) A states “A person shall not furnish any information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency if the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate. 15 U.S. Code § 1681estates” Every consumer reporting agency shall maintain reasonable procedures designed to avoid violations of section 1681c of this title and to limit the furnishing of consumer reports to the purposes listed under section 1681b of this title.” Equifax and Experian are not maintaining reasonable procedures. Also 12 CFR § 1016.7 states that ” A consumer may exercise the right to opt out at any time.” I am opting out of your reporting services.”
- Opt Out Letter
- Any notices you have received
- A copy of your Credit Report
Get free copies of your report here:
Stay consistent do not give up take the laws you have read and put them to good use