Of the hundreds of thousands
of business ventures
that entrepreneurs
launch every year, many never
get off the ground. Others fizzle
after spectacular rocket starts.
A six-year-old condiment
company has attracted loyal
customers but has achieved
less than $500,000 in sales.
The company’s gross margins
can’t cover its overhead or provide
adequate incomes for the
founder and the family members
who participate in the business.
Additional growth will require a
huge capital infusion, but investors
and potential buyers aren’t
keen on small, marginally profitable
ventures, and the family
has exhausted its resources.
Another young company,
profitable and growing rapidly,
imports novelty products from
the Far East and sells them to
large U.S. chain stores. The
founder, who has a paper net
worth of several million dollars,
has been nominated for entrepreneur-
of-the-year awards.
But the company’s spectacular
growth has forced him to reinvest
most of his profits to finance
the business’s growing
inventories and receivables.
Furthermore, the company’s
profitability has attracted competitors
and tempted customers
to deal directly with the Asian
suppliers. If the founder doesn’t
do something soon, the business
will evaporate.
Like most entrepreneurs,
the condiment maker and the
novelty importer get plenty of
confusing counsel: Diversify
your product line. Stick to your
knitting. Raise capital by selling
equity. Don’t risk losing control
just because things are bad.
Delegate. Act decisively. Hire
a professional manager. Watch
your fixed costs.
Why all the conflicting advice?
Because the range of
options—and problems—that
founders of young businesses
confront is vast. The manager
of a mature company might
ask, What business are we in?
or How can we exploit our core
competencies? Entrepreneurs
must continually ask themselves
what business they want to be
in and what capabilities they
would like to develop. Similarly,
the organizational weaknesses
and imperfections that entrepreneurs
confront every day would
cause the managers of a mature
company to panic. Many young
enterprises simultaneously lack
coherent strategies, competitive
strengths, talented employees,
adequate controls, and clear reporting
The entrepreneur can tackle
only one or two opportunities
and problems at a time. Therefore,
just as a parent should focus
more on a toddler’s motor
skills than on his or her social
skills, the entrepreneur must
distinguish critical issues from
normal growing pains.
Entrepreneurs cannot expect
the sort of guidance and
comfort that an authoritative
child-rearing book can offer
parents. Human beings pass
through physiological and psychological
stages in a more or
less predetermined order, but
companies do not share a developmental
path. Microsoft,
Lotus, WordPerfect, and Intuit,
although competing in the same
industry, did not evolve in the
same way. Each of those companies
has its own story to tell
about the development of strategy
and organizational structures
and about the evolution of the
founder’s role in the enterprise.
The options that are appropriate
for one entrepreneurial
venture may be completely inappropriate
for another. Entrepreneurs
must make a bewildering
number of decisions, and they
must make the decisions that
are right for them. The framework
I present here and the
accompanying rules of thumb
will help entrepreneurs analyze
the situations in which they find
themselves, establish priorities
among the opportunities and
problems they face, and make
rational decisions about the
future. This framework, which
is based on my observation of
several hundred start-up ventures
over eight years, doesn’t
prescribe answers. Instead, it
helps entrepreneurs pose useful
questions, identify important
issues, and evaluate solutions.
The framework applies whether
the enterprise is a small printing
shop trying to stay in business
or a catalog retailer seeking
hundreds of millions of dollars
in sales. And it works at almost
any point in a venture’s evolution.
Entrepreneurs should use
the framework to evaluate their
companies’ position and trajectory
often—not just when problems
The framework consists of
a three-step sequence of questions.
The first step clarifies entrepreneurs’
current goals, the
second evaluates their strategies
for attaining those goals,
and the third helps them assess
their capacity to execute
their strategies. The hierarchical
organization of the questions
requires entrepreneurs to
confront the basic, big-picture
issues before they think about
refinements and details. (See
the exhibit “An Entrepreneur’s
Guide to the Big Issues.”) This
approach does not assume that
all companies—or all entrepreneurs—
develop in the same
way, so it does not prescribe a
one-size-fits-all methodology for
An entrepreneur’s personal
and business goals are inextricably
linked. Whereas the manager
of a public company has a
fiduciary responsibility to maximize
value for shareholders, entrepreneurs
build their businesses
to fulfill personal goals and,
if necessary, seek investors with
similar goals.
Before they can set goals for
a business, entrepreneurs must
be explicit about their personal
goals. And they must periodically
ask themselves if those goals
have changed. Many entrepreneurs
say that they are launching
their businesses to achieve
independence and control their
destiny, but those goals are too
vague. If they stop and think
about it, most entrepreneurs
can identify goals that are more
specific. For example, they may
want an outlet for artistic talent,
a chance to experiment with
new technology, a flexible lifestyle,
the rush that comes from
rapid growth, or the immortality
of building an institution that
embodies their deeply held values.
Financially, some entrepreneurs
are looking for quick
profits, some want to generate
a satisfactory cash flow, and
others seek capital gains from
building and selling a company.
Some entrepreneurs who want
to build sustainable institutions
do not consider personal financial
returns a high priority. They
may refuse acquisition proposals
regardless of the price or sell
equity cheaply to employees to
secure their loyalty to the institution.
Only when entrepreneurs
can say what they want personally
from their businesses does
it make sense for them to ask
the following three questions:
Long-term sustainability
does not concern entrepreneurs
looking for quick profits from
in-and-out deals. Similarly, socalled
lifestyle entrepreneurs,
who are interested only in generating
enough of a cash flow
to maintain a certain way of life,
do not need to build businesses
that could survive without them.
But sustainability—or the perception
thereof—matters greatly
to entrepreneurs who hope to
sell their businesses eventually.
Sustainability is even more important
for entrepreneurs who
want to build an institution that
is capable of renewing itself
through changing generations
of technology, employees, and
Entrepreneurs’ personal
goals should also determine the
target size of the businesses
they launch. A lifestyle entrepreneur’s
venture needn’t grow
very large. In fact, a business
that becomes too big might
prevent the founder from enjoying
life or remaining personally
involved in all aspects of the
work. In contrast, entrepreneurs
seeking capital gains must build
companies large enough to support
an infrastructure that will
not require their day-to-day intervention.
Building a sustainable business—
that is, one whose principal
productive asset is not just
the founder’s skills, contacts,
and efforts—often entails making
risky long-term bets. Unlike
a solo consulting practice—
which generates cash from
the start—durable ventures,
such as companies that produce
branded consumer goods,
need continued investment to
build sustainable advantages.
For instance, entrepreneurs
may have to advertise to build
a brand name. To pay for ad
campaigns, they may have to
reinvest profits, accept equity
partners, or personally guarantee
debt. To build depth in their
organizations, entrepreneurs
may have to trust inexperienced
employees to make crucial decisions.
Furthermore, many years
may pass before any payoff materializes—
if it materializes at
all. Sustained risk taking can be
stressful. As one entrepreneur
observes, “When you start, you
just do it, like the Nike ad says.
You are naïve because you haven’t
made your mistakes yet.
Then you learn about all the
things that can go wrong. And
because your equity now has
value, you feel you have a lot
more to lose.”
Entrepreneurs who operate
small-scale, or lifestyle, ventures
face different risks and
stresses. Talented people usually
avoid companies that offer
no stock options and only limited
opportunities for personal
growth, so the entrepreneur’s
long hours may never end. Because
personal franchises are
difficult to sell and often require
the owner’s daily presence,
founders may become locked
into their businesses. They may
face financial distress if they become
sick or just burn out. “I’m
always running, running, running,”
complains one entrepreneur,
whose business earns him
half a million dollars per year. “I
work 14-hour days, and I can’t
remember the last time I took a
vacation. I would like to sell the
business, but who wants to buy
a company with no infrastructure
or employees?”
Entrepreneurs must reconcile
what they want with what
they are willing to risk. Consider
Joseph Alsop, co-founder
and president of Progress Software
Corporation. When Alsop
launched the company in 1981,
he was in his mid-thirties, with
a wife and three children. With
that responsibility, he says, he
didn’t want to take the risks
necessary to build a multi-billion-
dollar corporation like Microsoft,
but he and his partners
were willing to assume the risks
required to build something
more than a personal service
business. Consequently, they
picked a market niche that was
large enough to let them build a
sustainable company but not so
large that it would attract the industry’s
giants. They worked for
two years without salaries and
invested their personal savings.
In ten years, they had built Progress
into a $200 million publicly
held company.
Entrepreneurs would do well
to follow Alsop’s example by
thinking explicitly about what
they are and are not willing to
risk. If entrepreneurs find that
their businesses—even if very
successful—won’t satisfy them
personally, or if they discover
that achieving their personal
goals requires them to take
more risks and make more sacrifices
than they are willing to,
they need to reset their goals.
When entrepreneurs have
aligned their personal and their
business goals, they must then
make sure that they have the
right strategy.
Many entrepreneurs start
businesses to seize short-term
opportunities without thinking
about long-term strategy. Successful
entrepreneurs, however,
soon make the transition
from a tactical to a strategic orientation
so that they can begin
to build crucial capabilities and
Formulating a sound strategy
is more basic to a young
company than resolving hiring
issues, designing control systems,
setting reporting relationships,
or defining the founder’s
role. Ventures based on a good
strategy can survive confusion
and poor leadership, but sophisticated
control systems and
organizational structures cannot
compensate for an unsound
strategy. Entrepreneurs should
periodically put their strategies
to the following four tests:
A company’s strategy will
fail all other tests if it doesn’t
provide a clear direction for the
enterprise. Even solo entrepreneurs
can benefit from a defined
strategy. For example, deal
makers who specialize in particular
industries or types of transactions
often have better access
to potential deals than generalists
do. Similarly, independent
consultants can charge higher
fees if they have a reputation for
expertise in a particular area.
An entrepreneur who wants
to build a sustainable company
must formulate a bolder and
more explicit strategy. The strategy
should integrate the entrepreneur’s
aspirations with specific
long-term policies about the
needs the company will serve,
its geographic reach, its technological
capabilities, and other
strategic considerations. To help
attract people and resources,
the strategy must embody the
entrepreneur’s vision of where
the company is going instead
of where it is. The strategy must
also provide a framework for
making the decisions and setting
the policies that will take the
company there.
The strategy articulated by
the founders of Sun Microsystems,
for instance, helped them
make smart decisions as they
developed the company. From
the outset, they decided that
Sun would forgo the niche-market
strategy commonly used by
Silicon Valley start-ups. Instead,
they elected to compete with
industry leaders IBM and Digital
by building and marketing a
general-purpose workstation.
That strategy, recalls cofounder
and former president Vinod
Khosla, made Sun’s product-development
choices obvious.
“We wouldn’t develop any applications
software,” he explains.
This strategy also dictated that
Sun assume the risk of building
a direct sales force and providing
its own field support—just
like its much larger competitors.
“The Moon or Bust was our motto,”
Khosla says. The founders’
bold vision helped attract premier
venture-capital firms and
gave Sun extraordinary visibility
within its industry.
To be useful, strategy statements
should be concise and
easily understood by key constituents
such as employees,
investors, and customers. They
must also preclude activities
and investments that, although
they seem attractive, would deplete
the company’s resources.
A strategy that is so broadly
stated that it permits a company
to do anything is tantamount to
no strategy at all. For instance,
claiming to be in the leisure and
entertainment business does
not preclude a tent manufacturer
from operating casinos or
making films. Defining the venture
as a high-performance outdoor-
gear company provides a
much more useful focus.
Once entrepreneurs have
formulated clear strategies, they
must determine whether those
strategies will allow the ventures
to be profitable and to grow to
a desirable size.
The failure to
earn satisfactory returns should prompt entrepreneurs to ask
tough questions: What’s the
source, if any, of our competitive
edge? Are our offerings really
better than our competitors’? If
they are, does the premium we
can charge justify the additional
costs we incur, and can we
move enough volume at higher
prices to cover our fixed costs?
If we are in a commodity business,
are our costs lower than
our competitors’? Disappointing
growth should also raise
concerns: Is the market large
enough? Do diseconomies of
scale make profitable growth
No amount of hard work
can turn a kitten into a lion.
When a new venture is faltering,
entrepreneurs must address
basic economic issues.
For instance, many people are
attracted to personal service
businesses, such as laundries
and tax-preparation services,
because they can start and
operate those businesses just
by working hard. They don’t
have to worry about confronting
large competitors, raising
a lot of capital, or developing
proprietary technology. But
the factors that make it easy
for entrepreneurs to launch
such businesses often prevent
them from attaining their longterm
goals. Businesses based
on an entrepreneur’s willingness
to work hard usually confront
other equally determined
competitors. Furthermore, it is
difficult to make such companies
large enough to support
employees and infrastructure.
Besides, if employees can do
what the founder does, they
have little incentive to stay with
the venture. Founders of such
companies often cannot have
the lifestyle they want, no matter
how talented they are. With
no way to leverage their skills,
they can eat only what they kill.
Entrepreneurs who are stuck
in ventures that are unprofitable
and cannot grow satisfactorily
must take radical action. They
must find a new industry or develop
innovative economies of
scale or scope in their existing
fields. Rebecca Matthias, for example,
started Mothers Work in
1982 to sell maternity clothing
to professional women by mail
order. Mail-order businesses
are easy to start, but with tens
of thousands of catalogs vying
for consumers’ attention, low
response rates usually lead to
low profitability—a reality that
Matthias confronted after three
years in the business. In 1985,
she borrowed $150,000 to open
the first retail store specializing
in maternity clothes for working
women. By 1994, Mothers
Work was operating 175 stores
generating about $59 million in
One alternative to radical
action is to stick with the failing
venture and hope for the big order
that’s just around the corner
or the greater fool who will buy
the business. Both hopes are
usually futile. It’s best to walk
The next issue entrepreneurs
must confront is whether
their strategies can serve the
enterprise over the long term.
The issue of sustainability is
especially significant for entrepreneurs
who have been riding
the wave of a new technology,
a regulatory change, or any
other change—exogenous to
the business—that creates situations
in which supply cannot
keep up with demand. Entrepreneurs
who catch a wave can
prosper at the outset just because
the trend is on their side;
they are competing not with
one another but with outmoded
players. But what happens
when the wave crests? As market
imbalances disappear, so
do many of the erstwhile high
fliers who had never developed
distinctive capabilities or established
defensible competitive
positions. Wave riders must
anticipate market saturation,
intensifying competition, and
the next wave. They have to
abandon the me-too approach
in favor of a new, more durable
business model. Or they may
be able to sell their high-growth
businesses for handsome prices
in spite of the dubious longterm
Consider Edward Rosen,
who cofounded Vydec in 1972.
The company developed one of
the first stand-alone word processors,
and as the market for
the machines exploded, Vydec
rocketed to $90 million in revenues
in its sixth year, with nearly
1,000 employees in the United
States and Europe. But Rosen
and his partner could see that
the days of stand-alone word
processors were numbered.
They happily accepted an offer
from Exxon to buy the company
for more than $100 million.
Such forward thinking is an
exception. Entrepreneurs in rapidly
growing companies often
don’t consider exit strategies
seriously. Encouraged by shortterm
success, they continue to
reinvest profits in unsustainable
businesses until all they have
left is memories of better days.
Entrepreneurs who start ventures
not by catching a wave but
by creating their own wave face
a different set of challenges in
crafting a sustainable strategy.
They must build on their initial
strength by developing multiple
strengths. Brand-new ventures
usually cannot afford to innovate
on every front. Few startups,
for example, can expect to
attract the resources needed to
market a revolutionary product
that requires radical advances
in technology, a new manufacturing
process, and new distribution
channels. Cash-strapped
entrepreneurs usually focus first
on building and exploiting a few
sources of uniqueness and use
standard, readily available elements
in the rest of the business.
Michael Dell, the founder of Dell
Computer, for example, made
low price an option for personal
computer buyers by assembling
standard components in a college
dormitory room and selling
by mail order without frills or
much sales support.
Strategies for taking the hill,
however, won’t necessarily hold
it. A model based on one or two
strengths becomes obsolete as
success begets imitation. For
instance, competitors can easily
knock off an entrepreneur’s
innovative product. But they
will find it much more difficult to
replicate systems that incorporate
many distinct and complementary
capabilities. A business
with an attractive product line,
well-integrated manufacturing
and logistics, close relationships
with distributors, a culture of responsiveness
to customers, and
the capability to produce a continuing
stream of product innovations
is not easy to copy.
Entrepreneurs who build desirable
franchises must quickly
find ways to broaden their
competitive capabilities. For
example, software start-up Intuit’s
first product, Quicken, had
more attractive features and
was easier to use than other
personal-finance software programs.
Intuit realized, however,
that competitors could also
make their products easy to
use, so the company took advantage
of its early lead to invest
in a variety of strengths.
Intuit enhanced its position
with distributors by introducing
a family of products for small
businesses, including Quick-
Books, an accounting program.
It brought sophisticated marketing
techniques to an industry
that “viewed customer calls as
interruptions to the sacred art of
programming,” according to the
company’s founder and chairman,
Scott Cook. It established
a superior product-design process
with multifunctional teams
that included marketing and
technical support. And Intuit
invested heavily to provide customers
with outstanding technical
support for free.
After defining or redefining
the business and verifying its
basic soundness, an entrepreneur
should determine whether
plans for its growth are appropriate.
Different enterprises can
and should grow at different
rates. Setting the right pace is
as important to a young business
as it is to a novice bicyclist.
For either one, too fast or too
slow can lead to a fall. The optimal
growth rate for a fledgling
enterprise is a function of many
interdependent factors. (See the
insert “Finding the Right Growth
Finding the Right Growth
Finding the optimal growth
rate for a new enterprise is a
difficult and critical task. To set
the right pace, entrepreneurs
must …
The third question entrepreneurs
must ask themselves
may be the hardest to answer
because it requires the most
candid self-examination: Can
I execute the strategy? Great
ideas don’t guarantee great performance.
Many young companies
fail because the entrepreneur
can’t execute the strategy;
for instance, the venture may
run out of cash, or the entrepreneur
may be unable to generate
sales or fill orders. Entrepreneurs
must examine three areas—
resources, organizational
capabilities, and their personal
roles—to evaluate their ability to
carry out their strategies.
The lack of talented employees
is often the first obstacle to
the successful implementation
of a strategy. During the start-up
phase, many ventures cannot
attract top-notch employees,
so the founders perform most
of the crucial tasks themselves
and recruit whomever they can
to help out. After that initial period,
entrepreneurs can and
should be ambitious in seeking
new talent, especially if they
want their businesses to grow
quickly. Entrepreneurs who
hope that they can turn underqualified
and inexperienced
employees into star performers
eventually reach the conclusion,
along with Intuit founder Cook,
that “you can’t coach height.”
Moreover, after a venture establishes
even a short track record,
it can attract a much higher caliber
of employee.
In determining how to upgrade
the workforce, entrepreneurs
must address many
complex and sensitive issues:
Should I recruit individuals for
specific slots or, as is commonly
the case in talent-starved
organizations, should I create
positions for promising candidates?
Are the recruits going to
manage or replace existing employees?
How extensive should
the replacements be? Should
the replacement process be
gradual or quick? Should I, with
my personal attachment to the
business, make termination decisions
myself or should I bring
in outsiders?
A young venture needs more
than internal resources. Entrepreneurs
must also consider
their customers and sources of
capital. Ventures often start with
the customers they can attract
the most quickly, which may
not be the customers the company
eventually needs. Similarly,
entrepreneurs who begin
by bootstrapping, using money
from friends and family or loans
from local banks, must often find
richer sources of capital to build
sustainable businesses.
For a new venture to survive,
some resources that initially
are external may have to
become internal. Many startups
operate at first as virtual
enterprises because the founders
cannot afford to produce
in-house and hire employees,
and because they value flexibility.
But the flexibility that comes
from owning few resources is a
double-edged sword. Just as a
young company is free to stop
placing orders, suppliers can
stop filling them. Furthermore,
a company with no assets signals
to customers and potential
investors that the entrepreneur
may not be committed for the
long haul. A business with no
employees and hard assets
may also be difficult to sell, because
potential buyers will probably
worry that the company will
vanish when the founder departs.
To build a durable company,
an entrepreneur may have
to consider integrating vertically
or replacing subcontractors with
full-time employees.
An organization’s capacity
to execute its strategy depends
on its “hard” infrastructure—its
organizational structure and
systems—and on its “soft” infrastructure—
its culture and norms.
The hard infrastructure an
entrepreneurial company needs
depends on its goals and strategies.
(See the insert “Investing
in Organizational Infrastructure.”)
Some entrepreneurs
want to build geographically
dispersed businesses, realize
synergies by sharing resources
across business units, establish
first-mover advantages through
rapid growth, and eventually go
public. They must invest more
in organizational infrastructure
than their counterparts who
want to build simple, single-location
businesses at a cautious
Few entrepreneurs start out
with both a well-defined strategy
and a plan for developing an
organization that can achieve …
A venture’s growth rate
provides an important clue to
whether the entrepreneur has
invested too much or too little
in the company’s structure and
systems. If performance is sluggish—
if, for example, growth
lags behind expectations and
new products are late—excessive
rules and controls may be
stifling employees. If, in contrast,
the business is growing
rapidly and gaining share, inadequate
reporting mechanisms
and controls are a more likely
concern. When a new venture is
growing at a fast pace, entrepreneurs
must simultaneously give
new employees considerable
responsibility and monitor their
finances very closely. Companies
like Block-buster Video
cope by giving frontline employees
all the operating autonomy
they can handle while maintaining
tight, centralized financial
An evolving organization’s
culture also has a profound
influence on how well it can
execute its strategy. Culture
determines the personalities
and temperaments of the workforce;
lone wolves are unlikely
to want to work in a consensual
organization, whereas shy introverts
may avoid rowdy outfits.
Culture fills in the gaps that
an organization’s written rules
do not anticipate. Culture determines
the degree to which
individual employees and organizational
units compete and
cooperate, and how they treat
customers. More than any other
factor, culture determines
whether an organization can
cope with the crises and discontinuities
of growth.
Unlike organizational structures
and systems, which entrepreneurs
often copy from
other companies, culture must
be custom built. As many software
makers have found, for instance,
a laid-back organization
can’t compete well against Microsoft.
The rambunctiousness
of a start-up trading operation
may scare away the conservative
clients the venture wants
to attract. A culture that fits a
company’s strategy, however,
can lead to spectacular performance.
Physician Sales &
Service (PSS), a medical-products
distribution company, has
grown from $13 million in sales
in 1987 to nearly $500 million in
1995, from 5 branches in Florida
to 56 branches covering
every state in the continental
United States, and from 120
employees to 1,800. Like other
rapidly growing companies,
PSS has tight financial controls.
But, venture capitalist Thomas
Dickerson says, “PSS would be
just another efficiently managed
distribution company if it didn’t
have a corporate culture that
is obsessed with meeting customers’
needs and maintaining
a meritocracy. PSS employees
are motivated by the culture to
provide unmatched customer service.”
When entrepreneurs neglect
to articulate organizational
norms and instead hire employees
mainly for their technical
skills and credentials, their organizations
develop a culture by
chance rather than by design.
The personalities and values
of the first wave of employees
shape a culture that may not
serve the founders’ goals and
strategies. Once a culture is established,
it is difficult to change.
Entrepreneurs who aspire
to operate small enterprises in
which they perform all crucial
tasks never have to change their
roles. In personal service companies,
for instance, the founding
partners often perform client
work from the time they start the
company until they retire. Transforming
a fledgling enterprise
into an entity capable of an independent
existence, however,
requires founders to undertake
new roles.
Founders cannot build
self-sustaining organizations
simply by “letting go.” Before
entrepreneurs have the option
of doing less, they first must
do much more. If the business
model is not sustainable, they
must create a new one. To secure
the resources demanded
by an ambitious strategy, they
must manage the perceptions
of the resource providers: potential
customers, employees,
and investors. To build an enterprise
that will be able to
function without them, entreFounders cannot build
self-sustaining organizations
simply by “letting go.” Before
entrepreneurs have the option
of doing less, they first must
do much more. If the business
model is not sustainable, they
must create a new one. To secure
the resources demanded
by an ambitious strategy, they
must manage the perceptions
of the resource providers: potential
customers, employees,
and investors. To build an enterprise
that will be able to
function without them, entrepreneurs
must design the organization’s
structure and systems
and mold its culture and
While they are sketching out
an expansive view of the future,
entrepreneurs also have to
manage as if the company were
on the verge of going under,
keeping a firm grip on expenses
and monitoring performance.
They have to inspire and coach
employees while dealing with
the unpleasantness of firing
those who will not be able to
grow with the company. Bill
Nussey, cofounder of the software
maker Da Vinci Systems
Corporation, recalls that firing
employees who had “struggled
and cried and sacrificed with the
company” was the hardest thing he ever had to do.
Few successful entrepreneurs
ever come to play a
purely visionary role in their
organizations. They remain
deeply engaged in what Abraham
Zaleznik, the Konosuke
Matsushita Professor of Leadership
Emeritus at the Harvard
Business School, calls the “real
work” of their enterprises. Marvin
Bower, the founding partner
of McKinsey & Company, continued
to negotiate and direct
studies for clients while leading
the firm through a considerable
expansion of its size and
geographic reach. Bill Gates,
co-founder and CEO of multibillion-
dollar software powerhouse
Microsoft, reportedly still
reviews the code that programmers
But founders’ roles must
change. Gates no longer
writes programs. Michael
Roberts, an expert on entrepreneurship,
suggests that
an entrepreneur’s role should
evolve from doing the work, to
teaching others how to do it,
to prescribing desired results,
and eventually to managing
the overall context in which the
work is done. One entrepreneur
speaks of changing from
quarterback to coach. Whatever
the metaphor, the idea is
that leaders seek ever increasing
impact from what they do.
They achieve this by, for example,
focusing more on formulating
marketing strategies
than on selling; negotiating
and reviewing budgets rather
than directly supervising work;
designing incentive plans rather
than setting the compensation
of individual employees;
negotiating the acquisitions of
companies instead of the cost
of office supplies; and developing
a common purpose and organizational norms rather
than moving a product out the
In evaluating their personal
roles, therefore, entrepreneurs
should ask themselves whether
they continually experiment
with new jobs and responsibilities.
Founders who simply
spend more hours performing
the same tasks and making the
same decisions as the business
grows end up hindering growth.
They should ask themselves
whether they have acquired any
new skills recently. An entrepreneur
who is an engineer, for
example, might master financial
analysis. If founders can’t point
to new skills, they are probably
in a rut and their roles aren’t
Entrepreneurs must ask
themselves whether they actually
want to change and learn.
People who enjoy taking on new
challenges and acquiring new
skills—Bill Gates, again—can
lead a venture from the start-up
stage to market dominance. But
some people, such as H. Wayne
Huizenga, the moving spirit behind
Waste Management and
Blockbuster Video, are much
happier moving on to get other
ventures off the ground. Entrepreneurs
have a responsibility
to themselves and to the people
who depend on them to understand
what fulfills and frustrates
them personally
Many great enterprises
spring from modest, improvised
beginnings. William Hewlett
and David Packard tried to
craft a bowling alley foot-fault
indicator and a harmonica tuner
before developing their first
successful product, an audio
oscillator. Wal-Mart Stores’
founder, Sam Walton, started
by buying what he called a
“real dog” of a franchised variety
store in Newport, Arkansas,
because his wife wanted to live
in a small town. Speedy response
and trial and error were
more important to those companies
at the start-up stage
than foresight and planning.
But pure improvisation—or
luck—rarely yields long-term
success. Hewlett-Packard
might still be an obscure outfit
if its founders had not eventually
made conscious decisions
about product lines, technological
capabilities, debt policies,
and organizational norms.
Entrepreneurs, with their
powerful bias for action, often
avoid thinking about the big issues
of goals, strategies, and
capabilities. They must, sooner
or later, consciously structure
such inquiry into their companies
and their lives. Lasting
success requires entrepreneurs
to keep asking tough questions
about where they want to go
and whether the track they are
on will take them there.