Veterans have served their countries tirelessly. Nevertheless, it all ends one day. Everything, good or bad, has an end. They have fought bravely in the face of battle and, now, willing to rest. After leaving their former jobs, veterans must find means of livelihood. They will go on to set up businesses and ventures in various sectors. Armed with their experience from serving through the military, they can do even more in business. Why should you stop at an ex-navy officer’s mini Mart when you need some groceries? Why should you shop with the veterans?
Do you desire value for your money and satisfactory treatment? Patronize the ex-soldiers! Over their years of active service, key values have been inculcated in them. Leadership, risk-bearing, integrity, eagerness to learn, teamwork are some and are attributes that an ideal entrepreneur needs to excel. Discipline is also exhibited to make changes to ensure clients are served better every time. In a personal testimony, Edward Slavis once said" The military excels at teaching transferable & soft skills of critical thinking and multitasking, teamwork, leadership, integrity, and motivation among others; He is a former U.S Marine Infantry Officer, and Founder, The Slavis Group of S.G Realty So a veteran would always strive to give his best as well as push his team to do likewise. You might never regret any experience because you will be properly served.
For people who have served others— most importantly— directly for many years, the trend doesn’t stop. Veterans set up their business with the development of their immediate community in mind. This attitude can be sensed in the employment of locals, charity donation, and organization of special events within the area. All these are basic ways of getting every working hand on deck and, moreover, caring for people in need. As of 2013, about 9% of individual businesses were handled by veterans with an overwhelming $1.2 trillion in sales revenue. Some notable businesses that belong to ex-soldiers are FedEx, Walmart, BE/MAX which have grown steadily to prominence in the market. A thriving economy is a plus to every citizen of that country, no one exempted. Equally, women with military background fare better than their civilian counterparts statistically. Undoubtedly, the success of veteran-owned businesses cast a huge shadow on surrounding neighborhoods. It is also interesting to note that technology-related businesses owned by veterans are targeted for partnerships by known companies in Silicon Valley. They are widely acclaimed for good track records on all fronts. Once a soldier, ever a soldier.
Speak a lot about their service to humanity, it doesn’t stop the fact that ex-military officers have acted in military uniforms for so long. That life is quite different from the way civilians live. The tendency to see anomalies and methods of resolution differently is high. In simpler terms, veterans are not so used to any hitch whatsoever. Constant communication with everyday people will go a long way in refining them, bringing them to bear with this " new life". They will adapt quickly as they are always willing to listen and learn.

From the client’s satisfaction to the provision of scarce services, ex-soldiers definitely know their onions in terms of entrepreneurship. They will make your patronage rewarding. These valiant men and women are also ferocious on the business front. Try shopping from them. Walmart customers are already taking those steps. Give no excuses. Most, if not all, of their businesses, are registered under NAVOBA (The National Veteran-Owned Businesses Association). The association has a website which you can visit to view the closest veteran-based business. Also, you could make it a point of duty to ask around when you need to shop. Veteran-based businesses are as good as any other—or even better!